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Who sales kitchen a

페이지 정보

작성자 Davidcyday
댓글 0건 조회 82회 작성일 24-08-30 00:00


All three areas may be connected in a very large great room, often with a vaulted ceiling. Connecting the kitchen, dining area, and living room maximizes the home's social aspect. It's especially good for homeowners who frequently cook and entertain guests. See why a peninsula kitchen layout might be perfect for your next remodel. We go through all the pros and cons, and beautiful design ideas. More information callmeconstruction.com Design by Leanne Ford Interiors / Photo by Alexandra Ribar This spacious Victorian home kitchen got a modern makeover from Leanne Ford Interiors that includes classic black-and-white penny tiles with a border to define the space. (Image credit: Ikea)


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