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회사소개 사업소개 온라인문의 자료실

After Germination O

페이지 정보

작성자 NathanNoumb
댓글 0건 조회 95회 작성일 24-03-30 05:27


The colloidal silver method is similar to the chemical treatment method, but uses a solution of colloidal silver instead of silver thiosulfate. Similarly, careful nitrogen N management can reduce problems with nitrate responders but have no effect on nonresponders and could even favor a weed that is well adapted to low levels of soluble N. For 4 or 10cm of new soil split into 2 lots and start as for lot 2 For 2 or 5cm of soil incorporate into the top 10cm only For organics or lime incorporate at 10 to 15cm as for or with lot 2. Source: http://www.gbintermediazioni.com/2013/06/24/buy-cannabis-seeds-online-where-to-search-out-the-best-deals-and-choice/


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